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Scoliosis Treatment With Chiropractic Care

Written By Merivale Chiropractic and Massage Clinic on December 1, 2021

Scoliosis Treatment Merivale Chiropractic and Massage Clinic

Millions of people suffer from back, neck, and spinal pain every year. Sometimes, this condition can be worse than a simple pulled muscle. Scoliosis is a spinal condition that affects roughly 2% of the population. Luckily, the doctors at Merivale Chiropractic & Massage Clinic are experienced in treating scoliosis. We are here to help you understand what scoliosis is and how you can seek professional, effective treatment for scoliosis with chiropractic care.

What Is Scoliosis?

Scoliosis is a condition that results in a sideways curvature of the spine. When looking at the spine under an x-ray, a patient with scoliosis will have a mild to severe curve instead of a straight spine.

Scoliosis is a fairly common condition and typically presents itself in adolescents going through puberty. Mild cases do not always need to be treated; however, severe cases of scoliosis can be debilitating and extremely painful if not treated.

How Do Chiropractors Treat Scoliosis?

There are a number of treatments the doctors at Merivale Chiropractic & Massage Clinic implement to treat scoliosis at the source:

A chiropractor is an expert in spinal anatomy, and knows the best treatments to alleviate scoliosis pain. Not only that, but frequent chiropractic adjustments can work to readjust the spine to help you live healthier and pain-free. Our chiropractors will also work with you to go over your lifestyle habits, so that we can see what areas of your life may be worsening your condition. We treat each patient holistically and inform you of how you can better your posture and decrease your scoliosis pain.

Choose Merivale Chiropractic for Scoliosis Treatment

For years, Merivale Chiropractic & Massage Clinic has been Ottawa’s choice for quality chiropractic care. Our team has extensive knowledge of the spine, as well as experience treating even the worst scoliosis cases. We utilize over a dozen individualized therapies and techniques with the goal of to making your road to pain relief, recovery, and total-body-wellness efficient, effective and worthwhile.

Schedule an Appointment Today

When you are ready to do something about your back pain, schedule an appointment with Merivale Chiropractic & Massage Clinic at (613) 226-8142. Don't hesitate to contact us and find out why we are one of the most effective practices at treating scoliosis.

Posted In: Chiropractic Massage Therapy Scoliosis Treatment